Security Measures Every Crypto Investor Should Take

The top Cryptocurrency in India, like bitcoin, relies upon a peer-to-peer system enabling anyone to send and receive payments anywhere. You can send and receive hassle-free payment instead of carrying cash. These transactions are recorded as entries in a public ledger, and you keep cryptocurrency India in a digital wallet. The transactions are encrypted, and encryption provides the security of the transaction. Sounds good! But how secure is your cryptocurrency investment? Many people need to understand the importance of security measures before starting a crypto currency trading platform. Cryptocurrency is not unhackable. You increase your risk if you reveal sensitive information or surrender to various security loopholes.

Here are a few security tips that every crypto investor should take:

Selecting Security Password

Select a strong and unique password for your crypto exchange India. If your password is simple and weak, you expose yourself to the attackers. Avoid using the same password used for other purposes. Try to change your password often.

Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

It is always wise to use Google Authenticator / Authy-type software-based authentication system rather than SMS-based authentication. All cryptocurrency exchange India allows users to enable software-based authentication systems like Google Authenticator / Authy. Always keep the authentication key in a safe place. If your exchange login ID/password is compromised by chance, the hackers will find it challenging to log into your exchange account if you keep 2FA activated.

Don’t Click Questionable Links

Online scams are widespread nowadays. You may receive many suspicious giveaway links through spam emails or social media. You’ll be encouraged to disclose confidential information when you click the link. Avoid opening voluntary lottery, airdrop, beneficiary, or charity emails that ask you to do cryptocurrency-related activities. You can’t understand anything when you see such a link, but it may demand secret information about your wallet when you click.

Use an Updated Antivirus For Top Cryptocurrency in India

Often you can get allured to download malicious files, and with a single click, you may be tricked before you understand what is happening. Many malware can steal browser data, usernames, passwords, and the contents of cryptocurrency wallets. Always protect your computer with reputed antivirus software. Don’t use any unsolicited free antivirus software. Scan your computer regularly and ensure your antivirus software is always up to date.

Take Your Time with Software Updates

Even if your antivirus is updated, your system can get infected with malware if you use outdated operating systems or popular programs. Such devices are attacked easily by cyber criminals. Many programs roll out regular patches, preventing a potential data breach.

Be Careful with Flash Drives

Be careful when inserting a flash drive or USB drive into your computer. Any such device can contain malware, and it may affect your computer. Always scan such devices with an antivirus before using them. If your computer is affected by malware, you are prone to terrible risks while trading from that device.

Mobile Trading

Smartphone trading is very convenient, but your mobile device is more prone to be compromised. Trojans constitute 98% of mobile banking threats and are generally the most prominent mobile threats that target Android devices. When you trade many assets, don’t compromise the security measures.

Using Public Wi-Fi

Avoid using any public Wi-Fi network to do any cryptocurrency-related confidential activity. These networks often need to be more secure, and you may get trapped. A free tea shop Wi-Fi may bring a possible hacking attack on your device.

Be Cautious with Mobile Apps

Cryptocurrency-related mobile apps are straightforward, but mobile app stores have countless fake apps. Find out the download link of your preferred mobile app from the developer’s official website. Many fake crypto app India copy everything, starting from the user interface, logo, and onboarding experience. Copycats are overgrowing. If you use the right app, you might retain all your investment. Please check the app’s reviews and ratings While downloading a crypto-related app from the mobile app store.

Second Layer Security of Mobile Apps

Maximum cryptocurrency-related mobile apps allow you to enable second-layer security like fingerprint or PIN code. Please enable that. Otherwise, you will find it difficult in case of device loss. 

Storing Top Cryptocurrency in India

The users need to know how to store their cryptocurrencies. You can keep your cryptocurrency in your centralized exchange. That is the easiest method, but people often like storing cryptocurrency in their wallets. If you are considering storing your cryptocurrency for a long time, consider keeping it in individual wallets. Every wallet has unique types of security measures.

Transferring Top Cryptocurrency in India

While you transfer cryptos, copy the public address carefully. Otherwise, you won’t be able to retrieve it if there is a mistake. Besides the public address, you must include a tag or memo while transferring funds for some coins. Be cautious before transferring funds, and go through the transfer screen properly. Double-check the amount before transferring. Some tokens are issued on different blockchains nowadays.

Handling Your Keys

You get a private and public key while creating a cryptocurrency wallet. The public key is similar to a bank account address, everyone can view it, but the private key is like your PIN; it’s secret. Always keep your private key in a safe place. Many wallets provide you with a helpful phrase to remember the private key. You can write down the helpful phrase on paper and keep it secure. Keep your private key confidential. Anybody can steal your money with that data.

Be Cautious with DAPP Interaction

Many cryptocurrency investors use decentralized applications(DAPPS) to perform different trading activities. With the recent boom of decentralized finance or DeFi, many DAPPs like Uniswap and Yearn are popular. Finance has sky-rocketed. All DAPPs demand interaction through Web 3 browsers or customized browser plugins. You must interact with the DAPPS using your wallet and confirm transactions. Please only do this if you have good ideas about the cited functioning. Start using the DAPPs when you have the proper know-how to use these. There are numerous fake clones of the reputed DAPPs, also. Do your own research before spending your hard-earned money.

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