How to buy and sell DOT Token in bitcoiva?

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To buy and sell, and trade DOT Token in Bitcoiva, top cryptocurrency exchange in India

To trade INR: dot/inr

To trade USDT: dot/usdt

An overview of DOT Token:

Polkadot, a top cryptocurrency in India , is an open-source sharded multichain protocol that connects and secures a network of specialised blockchains, enabling cross-chain transfer of any data or asset type, not just tokens, and allowing blockchains to speak with one another. Polkadot was created to serve as the cornerstone for Web3, a decentralised internet of blockchains.

Polkadot is referred to as a layer-0 metaprotocol since it underpins and specifies a network of layer 1 blockchains known as parachains (parallel chains). Polkadot, being a metaprotocol, is also capable of independently and forklessly changing its own software through on-chain governance in accordance with the wishes of its token holder community.

Polkadot serves as a basis for a decentralised web owned by its users, as well as for simplifying the development of new apps, institutions, and services.

The Polkadot protocol integrates public and private chains, permissionless networks, oracles, and future technologies, allowing these disparate blockchains to transmit information and transactions in an untrustworthy manner through the Polkadot Relay Chain (explained further down).

Polkadot’s native DOT coin serves three distinct purposes: operational and security staking, network governance facilitation, and bonding tokens to link parachains.

Polkadot is composed of four major components:

Polkadot’s “heart,” which aids in the development of consensus, interoperability, and shared security throughout the network of different chains;

Parachains are self-contained chains that may issue their own tokens and are designed for certain use cases.

Parathreads: comparable to parachains, but with more flexible connection based on a cost-effective pay-as-you-go basis;

Bridges enable parachains and parathreads to link to and communicate with external blockchains such as Ethereum.

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