kyc - bitcoiva

KYC (know your customer)

Once you have successfully registered in Bitcoiva here:
Login to your account here:

After creating your profile, the next step is KYC

This is a verification process. You have to provide proper identification on the crypto app India.

Government Proof for Indian Customers

Aadhar card: An Indian customer should provide their Aadhar card details as proof, upload front and back side images of the Aadhar card, and enter the 12 numbers mentioned on the card.

Pancard: An Indian customer should provide their pan card details for proof, upload the card image, and enter the number mentioned in the card.

Selfie proof: The customer must upload a selfie holding any government proof.

Government proof for foreign customers;
Driving license: foreign customers should provide their driving license as proof, uploading front and back side images of the driving license.

Government id: The foreign customer must provide any government proof of them.
Selfie proof: The customer must upload a selfie holding any government proof in the crypto trading platform.

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